Public Relations Department

Al-Tamakon Comprehensive  School

The Public Relations Department is a part of the academic and administrative units that make up the institution. The department’s responsibilities include monitoring all reception tasks and facilitating student registration processes. Additionally, the department is responsible for maintaining ideal cleanliness in all school facilities, overseeing hospitality and organizing all the activities and events held at the school.

The Public Relations Department also has multiple tasks, such as monitoring staff compliance with the school dress code and playing a significant role in the incentive system. The team tracks and records expressions of gratitude and reasons for them, as well as employees’ interactions on social media.

The department is responsible for all student facilities during school hours, ensuring compliance with rules and regulations. It also supervises bus supervisors and monitors their activities. The department tracks all the school’s social media platforms and plays a vital role in informing parents about the facilities and services offered by the school by conducting tours for them within the school premises. Moreover, it provides a comprehensive link to all the school’s adopted policies and regulations and introduces new employees to all the school’s facilities and services.