Answer: At Tamakon School, we offer customized educational programs targeting students facing learning difficulties. Our aim is to provide personalized support for each student to help them develop their skills and succeed in learning.

Answer: Our teachers are specialists in the field of learning disabilities and have experience in delivering education to students facing challenges in this regard. They work closely with the students to identify their needs and provide appropriate support.

Answer: Yes, we do provide customized educational programs based on the needs of each student. Lessons and activities are tailored to the student’s level and individual requirements.

Answer: Yes, we also offer support to parents. Our goal is to enhance collaboration between the school and parents to ensure optimal support for the students. Parents can contact us for consultations or participate in workshops and meetings.

Answer: You can contact the school to learn about the registration procedures and requirements. These procedures may vary from one school to another.

Answer: We offer a variety of additional activities, including private lessons, workshops, and social events. Our goal is to provide enjoyable and beneficial educational experiences for the students.

Answer: We aim to provide a comprehensive and sustainable educational environment that meets the needs of all students with professionalism and special care for individuals with special needs.

Answer: We offer customized educational programs and individual support, including support teachers and social and emotional guidance to ensure academic and personal success for each student.

Answer: We use multiple assessment techniques to understand the students’ needs and progress, including academic assessment and personal development assessments.

Answer: Yes, we collaborate with specialists in the fields of occupational therapy and speech therapy to provide the necessary services for the students.

Answer: Parents should apply through the electronic form available on our website, and then they will be contacted to complete the necessary procedures.

Answer: Yes, we are committed to providing an adapted educational environment to ensure accessibility for all students.

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